Tuesday, October 2

Yoga pants.... Really?

If I had a nickel for everytime I was out in public and saw a lady wearing yoga pants, I would be rich. My house would be overflowing with shiny new nickels until I would have enough nickels to buy another house to store my new nickels in. The question is... Why are they wearing them?

My little brother goes to a private school, so naturally there are a few well to do people who send their kids to school there. There are also normal people who send their children there as well, but mostly rich or I-have-more-money-than-you-so-I-am-rich-to-you-but-not-to-a-rich-person type people who send their kids to his school. The one thing that both these categories of mothers have in common is that they ALL wear stretchy pants. And when I say all I really mean ALL. It is sort of ridiculous. They all have their t-shirts, baseball caps, and yoga pants on. If you were to see them just in the morning you might think, "Oh! They are dropping their kids off at school and then going to work out!".... WRONG. They stay in the same pair of yoga pants all day long, so obviously they did not go and work out. Not unless they worked out all day long and did not sweat at all and then came and picked their kids up looking the exact same as they did that morning. I just do not understand it! Don't get me wrong, yoga pants are comfortable but just to wear around the house. I work out everyday and I would NEVER feel comfortable wearing them outside of my house unless I had a toga on overtop of them or something to cover my butt. When you wear yoga pants you get panty lines. Panty lines make most people very uncomfortable, including myself. I guess that some people just have the illusion that stretchy pants are flattering. Well, you should throw that illusion out the window because they really aren't unless you weigh 90 pounds or something. Whatever happened to women looking like women? Now a days I can barely distinguish a man from a women and the only thing that helps is the tightness of the clothes!! Ladies- If you don't already, you should really consider dressing nicely. That means no yoga pants (unless you are going to a yoga class or to the gym), no t-shirts, NO BASEBALL CAPS (they hide your hair! If you have to wear a hat at least invest in a cute fedora), and no skank clothing at all (this category includes super tight clothing that is not flattering to anyone, shorts that reveal your butt cheeks, shirts that not only reveal cleavage but CLEAVAGE, and anything that screams DON'T WEAR ME when you look at yourself in the mirror.) The dressing nicely category includes but is not limited to: Dresses, Skirts, Cute tops, Jeans that do not make your legs look like they were attached to the wrong barbie doll, Anything high waisted (normally your waist is smaller than your hips and breasts so clothing items that accentuate this area are extremely flattering), Boots, Cute flats that aren't tennis shoes, Heels, and CUTE HATS!

stay happy :)

P.S. Please remember: I am just here to help! If you would rather go out looking slobbish and unnatractive, have at it! It really makes no difference to me... actually it would give me more nickels.

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