Monday, October 1

Top 3 Reasons why Spanish is useful in America.

I am sitting doing my Spanish homework... actually drudging through my Spanish homework, when I ask myself, "Why is Spanish useful?" Here are the top 3 reasons why.

1) Look around and what do you see? ANSWER: Loads of immigrants... I mean LOADS. They are everywhere!! Not just Spanish, but British, Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiian... oh wait. In a few years you will need 15 languages in your arsenal just to buy a gallon of milk at the store! Although Chinese would be more helpful in a few years than Spanish I do believe...

2) Mexican restaurants. It would be nicer to walk in speaking fluent Spanish than english I guess. And easier to order that wonderful, wonderful food we know as mexican.... now I want a burrito. 0_0

3) Do you see some Spanish/Mexican/Latino people glancing at you while speaking rapid spanish. You think they are talking about you, but what are they saying??? Why must they taunt you in their bilingual way???? Will you ever know what they are talking about? YES! Next time you are out and about and find yourself in an awkward situation such as the one previously described you can actually understand what they are saying about you. If it is good you can say, "gracias senors y senoritas". If it is bad you can say... "Tu madre es gordo"

So there you have it! The top 3 reasons why Spanish is useful in America today! Seriously though you should consider learning Spanish. It isn't that bad.... well actually....

Stay happy :)

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